Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Where and Why

"I just know it's right." Ever heard someone say that? I've even said it myself a time or two. Somewhere inside of each one of us is that voice that tells us what is right and what is wrong. Where exactly is that voice and why is it there?

Seems like a simple question that may be easily dismissed as foolishness, but in reality it is a very important question that we really should give some serious thought. I know that many people might suggest that it is simply your conscience and leave it at that. I cannot leave it at that and be satisfied.

A few questions that come to mind are the following: How can we discern truth if we do not understand how we can distinguish between right and wrong? What is it all based on and does that really matter? What is at stake if I am wrong?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

My Brush or God's Broom

After I finished cutting my hair, the bathroom floor was covered with clumps of it scattered all over the place. I go get the broom and dust pan and head back to the bathroom to begin the cleanup process. My 2 year old son, Aidan, discovers what I am doing and, as usual, wants to help. I tell him to wait since the floor is a real mess and I don't want him to get hair all over himself. He leaves and I begin sweeping. He comes back with a stiff-bristle scrub brush broom that we use to scrub the kitchen floor with a determined look on his face. Once again I have to tell him to wait just a minute for me to finish sweeping and then he can come in and help. This answer does not please him for he immediately begins to cry with large tears as if he is in some sort of great pain. Had he been able to understand what I was doing and waited just a few more minutes, he would have been able to come in and help scrub the floor after the hair was all swept up. I knew that he was trying to use the wrong type of broom for the mess, but he, of course, did not understand that.
I wonder if that is how we react to God. We rush in trying to help our own way and using the wrong "broom" and generally getting "in God's way." When God is telling me to wait, my response should be to humbly wait on Him. Otherwise I'll probably just end up making an even bigger mess and then end up having to ask God to fix it anyway.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Truth and Our View of It

I had to stop and think that my view of what truth is and what is actually true are two very different things. I realized that truth in the cognitive sense is all in how I view it. It's completely based upon my perspective. What I perceive to be true may not actually be so. What you perceive to be truth may differ from my view in small ways or be the exact opposite. How then can we both be right about truth? Who is to say then which one of us is wrong and what if we both are wrong. You see, it is entirely possible that we are both wrong, but it is emphatically impossible for us both to be right if our views differ even in the slightest aspect.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Just Stop and Think

Day in and day out, we find ourselves in the monotony of life: work, family, friends, cars, house, hobbies... Most of us are simply trying to live a "normal" life. Have you ever found yourself wondering whether or not the goal of life should be normalcy?

Now is the time to Stop and Think.
Is there such a thing as absolute truth?...JourneyAnswers

Monday, February 2, 2009

Interested in finding out the truth about