Monday, April 26, 2010


I have been thinking about how my life is affecting and influencing everything that my son is now and ultimately what he may become. He asks questions about things that never even cross my mind.

For example, I can walk past a thousand leaves on the ground in our yard, but he will stop and notice something about one of them. "Daddy" he will ask, "why is that leaf there?" What am I teaching him when my response is an abrubt, "I don't know, son. Just keep walking?" I realize that I'm missing the moments to teach him in the way of truth and life. It is my job to teach him that his Father cares about him and has created everything with purpose for our enjoyment.

I realize that I must take the time to teach him, but finding the balance between stopping at every leaf or twig and making it to where we need to be on time is a very difficult task indeed. How can we maintain this balance in life?